My first Job Sampsonievscky Temple St Petersburg Russia
Where is cam from and what I am about?
I am originally from St. Petersburg Russia.
It is recognised as a cultural Capital city or Russia and has more than 160 museums which are containing a fine arts and cultural heritage items.
I was grown up spending my weekends in Hermitage, museum which has one of largest art and crafts collections in an eastern Europe and when it was time for me to choose a path, I have chosen become a restorer of internal sculptural décor.
One of my highest achievements was the Red Diploma of restoration College. This form of diploma only given for whom has highest marks possible for each and every subject of study.
Animals sculpture was always my speciality and studying animals and human’s anatomy as part of that course has given me a tool for better representation.
I love Nature and Animals I am actually crazy about nature and Animals and studying anatomy was not only requirement of the course, but also my interest and one of my strengths.
I am confidently draw at home and I am going to live drawing sessions I find it is sharpening my skills for a character design within 3D now. When I finished my Diploma of Restoration in St. Petersburg, I was very lucky to participate in restoration one of an oldest Christian Orthodox Temples in my City of origin,
The Sampsonievscky Temple, which was over 350 years old back then.
It was unforgettable experience in my life. I have been honoured to uncover a sculptural decoration which was covered with a layers of gypsum withing years of irresponsible restorations and I have been working on restoration of it carved, gold plated mahogany altar. Photos of the interior of that temple you can take look at here on this site.
In Australia Sydney.
When I come to Australia, I could not find a Work as a restorer I was working as CAD/CAM dental technician at one of largest in Australia dental laboratory at Crown and Bridge department.
We had had over 38 different nationalities working together. I feel well adjusted for working within multicultural environment. “Rice Dental laboratory “given me an ability to learn how to adapt in fast changing work and within a strictly deadlines. Its left me to be a good team player as there is everyone depends on each other’s work to be done
I was highly prized with an administration and I have been rewarded with many bonuses.
I am Compassionate person and I have been Volunteering at “Hammond Care “nursing home at the Dimension section. I love helping people but something I can not overcome easily that when some of residents has passed away because their age and the Alzheimer's diseases I would cry and it sad I miss them.
An important thing I have learned from the “Hammond Care “, a creative and artistic person would stay creative and their creativity it was helping them endure that terrible deceases helping them survive. Their artistic vision they had to the end and driving skills that was what they lost last they kept it if even they are forgotten a name of their loved ones. I learn how important Art is.
I also loved my work at “Rice Dental Laboratory” as tooth are all different and no work was all the same, but in my soul, I missed my Art. Studying 3D Art and Animation with AIT it is my way to come back within my creative nature.
I am very persistent person and I was working towards that degree for a while.
I have completed.
Diplomas of;
3D Games Development Programming
Diploma of General IT.
Diploma of 3D ART and Animation.
Now I am working on finishing my degree at AIT.
I am 3D Artist and I never stop learning and improving my skills. I am thriving onto ability of 3D Art to bring not real and not existing things as close to reality as possible.
A monster, Ferris and an imaginable friend they all could appear into this world via 3D printing an on a
screen. I love nature and good knowledge of animals and humans Anatomy plus my confident drawing skills are helping me to develop that imaginative creations.
I love nature and animals, no I am actually crazy about it and that is why I had had interest to study anatomy and now it is my strength.
and look at my work and my live drawing sessions
which are helping me to keep myself in the best creative shape. I would love hear from you.
I am compassionate person and i was volunteering at nursing home for a while. I mess that people, but hardest part for me was when some of the residents of "Hammond Care" nursing home would pass away.
I am multi-functional and would work well with in a team of likeminded people.
I am always looking for a creative and likeminded people and this is right place to get in touch
I am ready to put my skills to use. This is right place to look for a creative person with a bit of lively experience.
When I come to Australia, I could not find a Work as a restorer I was working as CAD/CAM dental technician at one of largest in Australia dental laboratory at Crown and Bridge department.
We had had over 38 different nationalities working together. I feel well adjusted for working within multicultural environment. “Rice Dental laboratory “given me an ability to learn how to adapt in fast changing work and within a strictly deadlines. Its left me to be a good team player as there is everyone depends on each other’s work to be done
I was highly prised with an administration and I have been rewarded with many bonuses.
I am Compassionate person and I have been Volunteering at “Hammond Care “nursing home at the Dimension section. I love helping people but something I can not overcome easily that when some of residents has passed away because their age and the Alzheimer's diseases I would cry and it sad I miss them.
An important thing I have learned from the “Hammond Care “, a creative and artistic person would stay creative and their creativity it was helping them endure that terrible deceases helping them survive. Their artistic vision they had to the end and driving skills that was what they lost last they kept it if even they are forgotten a name of their loved ones. I learn how important Art is.
I also loved my work at “Rice Dental Laboratory” as tooth are all different and no work was all the same, but in my soul, I missed my Art. Studying 3D Art and Animation with AIT it is my way to come back within my creative nature.
I am very persistent person and I was working towards that degree for a while.
I have completed.
Diplomas of;
3D Games Development Programming
Diploma of General IT.
Diploma of 3D ART and Animation.
Now I am working on finishing my degree at AIT.
I am 3D Artist and I never stop learning and improving my skills. I am thriving onto ability of 3D Art to bring not real and not existing things as close to reality as possible.
A monster, Ferris and an imaginable friend they all could appear into this world via 3D printing an on a
screen. I love nature and good knowledge of animals and humans Anatomy plus my confident drawing skills are helping me to develop that imaginative creations.
I love nature and animals, no I am actually crazy about it and that is why I had had interest to study anatomy and now it is my strength.
and look at my work and my live drawing sessions
which are helping me to keep myself in the best creative shape. I would love hear from you.
I am compassionate person and i was volunteering at nursing home for a while. I mess that people, but hardest part for me was when some of the residents of "Hammond Care" nursing home would pass away.
I am multi-functional and would work well with in a team of like-minded people.
I am always looking for a creative and like-minded people and this is right place to get in touch
I am ready to put my skills to use. This is right place to look for a creative person with a bit of lively experience.
My Goals.
I am working towards opening my very own 3D Printing and 3D Art laboratory.
As 3D printer are becoming cheaper it is now giving me possibility to save money and buy couple of 3D printers and start my very own business. However, I am considering taking any 3D work as a freelancer to support my new business.
I have clear mission for what I am going to do at the laboratory.
It is going to produce a pet animal teamed 3D printed art as people are loving their pets and I am involved with animal loving community. It should also produce a fan art and short film animations.
After I finish AIT, I am going to take 3D printing course and a trainee work at 3D printing studio to be able to learn everything about that business and later on to be an independent business.
I always on a look for a like-minded and creative people so it is right place to get in touch.
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